High Sierra Fly Casters

A fly fishing club serving the Carson Valley and surrounding communities in Western Nevada and the Eastern Sierra


Established in 1991, High Sierra Fly Casters is a member-managed social club for fly fishers. Our mission is to promote and preserve the enjoyment of fly fishing through fishouts, conservation of our fishery resources and angler and youth education programs.

Our club activities include monthly meetings featuring various fly fishing-related presentations, social gatherings, fish-outs and tying activities. The club also hosts angler education, conservation, and community service events throughout the year. Please see our calendar for a current schedule of events. 

The club's success is dependent on its member's involvement, so we encourage everyone to attend our monthly general meetings. General Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month, and our Management meetings, held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Partnership Douglas offices (1625 NV-88 STE 104, Minden ), are also open to all club members.

The Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Gardnerville Community Center (1329 Waterloo Ln., Gardnerville, NV) . Meetings start at 7  p.m. with social time starting at 6:30.
January 8 July  NO MEETING
February 12 August  13
March 12 September 10
April 9 October 8
May 14 November 12
June 11 December NO MEETING

For more information please contact us at info@hsfc.us . We encourage all those interested in joining the club or participating in any of our events, to subscribe to the club's email list. And follow us on Facebook!