A Flyfisher's Simple Pleasures

Catching a 6” brookie on a size 12 mosquito

The sound of a rattlesnake…………..20’ away

Sleeping under the starts at 9000’

A bowl of steaming oatmeal on a frosty morning at 9000’

An extra pair of clean wool socks

The curiosity of two fawns

A flask of Maker’s Mark you forgot you had with you

Dry waders on a February day

Leaky waders on a July day

Rising trout taking nothing smaller than size 14 flies

The aroma of fresh coffee that you didn’t make

A rustic campsite on a remote lake

A rustic campsite with some split, dry firewood and a fire pit

Lots of dry kindling

A rustic campsite with a pit toilet

A thick pine canopy during a shower

An unexpected encounter with a tired hiker who wants to shed a couple of cans of beer

A 6 wt fish on a 4 wt rod

The sight of an osprey taking your rising fish

A trail bar in the in bottom of your pack

A warm camper on a cold November night

A 30-degree sleeping bag on a 35-degree night

The Sardinian restaurant in Dunsmuir

Enough peanut butter and bread for the hike out

and finally………

Getting back to your car and finding that it wasn’t vandalized

This article was authored by Bob Taormina, a member of the High Sierra Fly Casters. Originally published in fishstories... (the club's newsletter); lightly edited for web publication.