
For those who like a challenge, here are a few you can take on:

How to identify native and wild trout? Checkout this streamside guide produced by and

What is the difference between a native trout and a wild trout? A wild trout is one which has spent its entire life in the fishery. A native trout is one in a water where they existed before human influences. For instance, a Lahontan cutthroat trout caught in the Truckee River would be regarded as a native fish regardless if it was raised in a hatchery or was naturally produced in the fishery. If naturally produced in the fishery, it would be a wild and native trout. Brook trout are non-native to our waters and may or may not be wild. The tiger trout found in our area are neither wild nor native.

We offer mentoring to club members who are taking on these challenges. To arrange for mentoring, contact us at Please keep fish wet.

Additional Reading

Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in stream form

Lahontan cutthroat trout in stream form.

This article was authored by Kurt Zeilenga, our education coordinator.  If you have suggestions on how to improve this article, you may contact Kurt at